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Malaysian Driftwood

Malaysian Driftwood

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Regular price $6.99
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1 Malaysian Driftwood piece 

Available in size: Extras Small (4-6"), Small (6-8"), and Medium (8-12")

Every piece is different, our expert team of aquascapers pick out the best pieces.

These are beautiful and would be a great edition to any tank! Perfect for attaching Moss, Anubias, Java fern, or Buce! These are beautiful and would be a great edition to any tank! Perfect for attaching Moss, Anubias, Java fern, or Buce! This Aquarium wood is great for fish tanks as well as reptiles too!

Be sure to rinse the driftwood off and potentially soak it as well. We keep all of our wood in a clean area but regardless it is always good to clean off and rinse anything new before putting it into your aquarium. Malaysian driftwood sinks immediately most of the time, if it does not immediately sink you can leave it in a bucket, tub, sink, etc. filled with water and it will soak up the water then sink to the bottom after 1-2 days. 

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