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Olive Nerite Snails

Olive Nerite Snails

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Olive Nerite snails (Neritina Reclivata) also known simply as Nerite snails. 

Compatible with plants, fish, and shrimp Nerite snails make great tank mates. Nerite snails are algae eating machines, they are often considered the best algae eaters by many hobbyists. These snails will not reproduce in your freshwater aquarium which is a plus for those who do not want big populations. Nerite snails will eat leftover fish food, fish waste, and algae. Snails do need calcium for their shells, having some crushed coral or a cuddle fish bone in the tank helps provide them the calcium nutrients they need to maintain a healthy shell. 

These snails are healthy and active. Color varies from Olive Green to Brown to Black, Please see the pictures. Some Nerite snails can have decalcification on their shells, small barnacles, or little chips. This is normal with snails. When snails are collected and distributed to us by aquatic fish farms they are shipped in a bag all together so the shells rub against one another causing small imperfections. This is to be expected, we take great care of our snails and give them all the food & calcium that they need but we cannot fix a previously scratched shell. 


How to acclimate snails:  

When you first get your snails in the mail they likely won't be moving much since they have just taken a long journey from us to you. Sometimes snails will take a few hours to even a day or so after being put into the tank before they liven up and start exploring so keep that in mind. The snails should be floated in your aquarium so the water in their bag can adjust to the same temperature of the water in your tank. This takes 10-30 minutes depending on how big the temp difference is in their bag of water compared to your tank. After the water temps have adjusted, you should open the bag and pour the contents of the bag into a bowl/bucket and then scoop a little bit of your tank water into the bucket every 10 minutes or so. Doing this allows the snails to slowly adjust to the new water in your tank, if you just dump them straight in it can shock them and cause them to die from the big change. Please keep in mind we ship our snails with material in the bag so they have something to grab onto and so they don't squish around as much. Make sure you THOROUGHLY look through the paper/material in the bag before throwing it away to ensure you aren't throwing away any snail friends.  


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